Waking up this morning I stretch and yawn.
I look down onto the floor next me… he’s still there my slave didn’t make a peep all night laid on the floor in a tightly fastened body bag. Not a single peep. Well why would he? He was not only honoured to sleep in his Mistress’ bedroom he knows the consequences of waking his sleeping beauty.
I step over him picking up the glass from which he drinks, take it to the toilet with me and fill it with my morning piss. I go back, untie him and tell him to make me a cup of tea.
He swiftly does this then we drink our morning drinks together.
I then look at him for a while n say calmly, “Get dressed and get out! I played with you for hours last night, your face is boring me now. I want something fresh to play with. No more words can be spoken to me, get dressed and close the door behind you.” He’s a good slave; he dresses and leaves (quickly) no more looks or words exchanged.
I get out of bed with my tea and go into my living room. Looking out of the window at the rain and dark sky I think “how fucking depressing.” Then I smile, I have an idea!! An idea that not only will cheer me up but some other miserable poor soul is about to have the time of his life!!!
I dress I put on my makeup, I do my hair, spray my perfume and pick up some things that I’m going to need to help me capture my pray for today.
Now this plan I have isn’t rocket science. In fact it’s one of the oldest tricks in the book. I park up on a back road with a lay-by. I place my tools on the passenger seat; I reapply my red lipstick, switch on my hazard lights, sit back and wait.
As true to life I’m there under 15 minutes, a car pulls up behind me. I look in my rear mirror I see it’s a man. I also noticed the same car had passed me twice before pulling up. I see him getting out of his car so I react by doing the same.
“Hi” I said.
He looks at me in amazement asking if I need some assistance.
“Yes I would love some help,” I reply. “I have a flat tyre. I have a pump in my boot but the door seems to be jammed! I could get the tools by going into the back seat and entering the boot that way but the tools are just too heavy for me to lift!”
“No problem,” he says “I can do that for you!!”
“Oh wonderful” I sigh.
I pull forward my seat, my car is a three door, as he climbs into the back of the car I pull off his coat and push him fiercely into the back. Quickly I go for my cuffs and cuff his hands behind his back. He doesn’t struggle, they never do! I learned a long time ago to be fast when doing this and being the perverted fools men are they’re just too taken aback as to what’s actually happening to them. It’s as though they like it or are expecting it somehow. Strange but true!!!
He’s looking at me, a confused pathetic look… I force a gag into his mouth, pat him on the cheek and start to explain.
“Right don’t take this personally this could be anyone in my car right now, it just happened to be you that wanted to play hero first. I woke up this morning feeling a little kinky so I needed to fulfil my kink.”
His eyes lit up!!!
“No stupid, I’m not like other women; my kink is certainly not fucking idiots like you!!! Well not using my pussy!” I laugh, “Using my cock now that’s another story!!!!”
He looks scared and confused again, this makes me giggle.
“So anyway as I was saying I felt kinky and my kink slave, as this is your name while you’re on this part of your journey in life, is to shock shame abuse and mock men like you!”
I stand of the seat, pull up his legs and tie his ankles together with rope.
“So today you are honoured to spend a few hours with me and have some fun MY way.”
I put a blind fold on him and get into the driver’s seat.
“Now slave listen to me!! There has been an incident in the village and this has resulted in the place swarming with police. If you give me any bother I will pull over, throw you out my car in front of them and tell them this is the man you are looking for! Do you understand?”
He nods, I laugh and start to drive.
“I’m hungry slave,” I say looking back at him through my mirror, “let’s go eat!!!”
I pull up at a lovely café. I take off his blindfold and gag, his face is red and hair a mess, just adds to the funny side of things for me! I tell him to get out of the car. He struggles with no use of his arms as they’re still tightly cuffed. He manages at last!! I put his coat around his shoulders and zip it up. We don’t want people noticing he is handcuffed now do we??
I tell him to stay close but behind me, he follows: no arguing, no questions asked.
I get a table in the busy little cafe and sit him down. We get served, I order then the waitress looks at him to see what he want to order. He looks at me I look at him. Again I giggle, I just love this fucking power! I look at the waitress who is now looking impatient and tell her he’s fine he’s not hungry.
My food arrives, I eat it with absolute contentment having a cuffed stranger across from me fills my life with joy!!!
I finish my food then my tea. I look up at him for the first time since my food came. He’s staring at me but his fear and confusion seems to have faded. He’s looking at me adoringly now! “
Did you enjoy your food?” he asks.
“Yes,” I reply, “now would you like to come to my house?”
His eyes lit up as he said yes, “yes I would love to.”
“Let’s go then!!!”
I leave the bill on the table and we leave, him following behind me.
I take him back to my apartment still cuffed, we enter it.
“Welcome.” I say taking off his coat. I now unlock the cuffs and demand with a very cute voice that he strips naked. He does as he is told. As he’s doing this I make a call… another slave needs to come as I now have yet another idea.
He’s stripped now I take him into the middle of my floor; hog tie him and blindfold him again. I tell him to wait and be patient as my other slave will be joining us soon.
I hear the door go.
“Ah, here he is”
I take my newly arrived slave into the bedroom, strip him off and drag him by his hair into the living room were my other slave is hog tied. I bend him over my couch and kick his legs out to spread them.
I strap on my cock and walk over to the tied slave I kidnapped. I bend down onto the floor and remind him of the thing I told him about not fucking men with my Pussy, instead I use my cock!
He nods.

I remove his blindfold, unite the rope from his feet and sit him up.
“Look…” I say pointing at the slave bent over the couch, “Watch what I’m going to do to him.”
I stand now, wearing my strap on I walk over to my slave enter my cock into his arse and proceed to fuck him!! Pulling his hair back from behind I stare at my kidnapped slave not taking my eyes off him. I stare straight into his eyes while I fuck my slave in front of him. After I feel both have taken enough fucking humiliation and torment I push away my slave and tell him to get out. He goes quietly.
I walk over to the tied slave. I untie him, tell him to get dressed and I’ll take him back to his car. In total shock he does as I say.
The drive back is silent. I’m happy he’s baffled. I pull up at his car and tell him to get out.
He gets out and shuts the door. He quickly knocks on the window, I wind it down. He looks at me and says “I heard the other man call you Mistress.”
“Yes.” I say.
“Can I see you again please Mistress?” he asks.
“I’m sure you will slave!” I reply. With this I drive off as always feeling content with the time I just had… MY time!
So if any of you see a beautiful lady broken down at the side of the road will you stop ???
Your Yorkshire Mistress Jay.
07879 087397